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Welcome ot Keokuk County, Iowa!
101 S Main
Sigourney, Iowa 52591
Keokuk CountyKeokuk County is named after a famous Sac Indian Chief. The name means "Watchful Fox" or "He Who Has Been Everywhere". Chief Keokuk advocated peace with the white settlers. He was well respected by Americans, as well as by his own people, and was known for his honor, character, and oratory skills. Indian tribes that lived in this area were the Sac and Fox.
Keokuk County was opened up for settlement in May 1843 and the organization of Keokuk County began in 1844. Before this time, the county was attached to Washington County. The location of the county seat of justice was a source of controversy. The southeastern portion of the county was the first to be settled so the people there felt that the county seat should be located in the center of the population distribution rather than in the geographical center. The debate over the county seat location continued throughout the years. After lengthy discussions, the commissioners moved the official location of the county seat to the town of Sigourney in 1856. Sigourney was named after the author and poet Lydia Huntley Sigourney. She showed her appreciation by providing the trees which were planted on the courthouse grounds and presenting fifty volumes to the town library.