The paintings of Lydia Huntley Sigourney, Chief Keokuk and four murals on the walls of the tower shaft were painted by CE Rang of Chicago in 1912.
The mural located on the north wall shows the early days of Keokuk County life. There are a few scattered trees on the prairie and a treaty-signing scene between the white men and the Indians.
On the west wall, the mural is of a yoked ox drawing a crude plow through the ground to prepare the soil for crop planting. There are men working on plans for home building and a young man is getting lumber ready to build a cabin.
The scene on the south wall shows continued growth and improvement in the way of life for residents of Keokuk County. Trains are being used across the country to transport people and goods. Windmills are providing a source of power to pump water.
The east wall is how Keokuk County looked in 1912. There is a "modern" barn, a mowed lawn, and other buildings. Entering the picture from the left side is a "gasoline buggy".

Mural 1
Painted by CE Rang of Chicago in 1912.

Mural 2
Painted by CE Rang of Chicago in 1912.

Mural 3
Painted by CE Rang on Chicago in 1912.

Mural 4
Painted by CE Rang of Chicago in 1912.

Chief Keokuk
Painted by CE Rang of Chicago in 1912.

Lydia Huntley
Painted by CE Rang of Chicago in 1912.