Sigourney Organizations
Sigourney Area Development
112 E. Washington
Sigourney, IA 52591
Lions International - meet 2nd and 4th Mondays, 6:15 pm at Pizza Ranch - Patricia Grover
Kiwanis International - meet Wednesday, 12:00 pm at Sigourney Bowl - Jan Parcel
P.E.O. meet 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7:00 pm, members home - Merla Morse
Keokuk County Historical Society - Board Meets 3rd Monday, April-November - George House
V.F.W. meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm at Senior Citizens Center - Craig Downing
American Legion meets 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm at Senior Citizens Center - Roger Shifflett
Sigourney Area Development Corp. meets 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 am - office - Judy Frank
Area Agency on Aging meets the 2nd Friday at 9:00 am at the Senior Citizens Center - Barb Schmidt
Sigourney Woman's Club meets 2nd Tuesday at 1:00 pm at Senior Citizens Center
AARP meets 2nd Monday at 9:00 am at Senior Citizens Center - Don Hahn
Hospice of Keokuk County meets quarterly 3rd Wednesday at 5:30pm at 420 North Main
Hospice Auxiliary meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 6:00 pm at 420 North Main
Lydia's Red Hat Society meets monthly at various venues - Doris Conner
Webb Lodge 182-Masons meets 1st Tuesday at 7:30 pm at South Jefferson Street - Jim Deitrich
ASPASIA Chapter O.E.S. meets 1st Wednesday at 7:30pm at South Jefferson Street - Jim Deitrich
American Cancer Society meets 2nd Tues. at 5:30 pm at the Sigourney Public Library - Tanya Webster
Friends of the Library meet Semi-monthly at the Library - Tony Pitsch
Parent Teachers Organization meets 1st Tuesday at 7:30pm at Sigourney Elementary - Shellie Streigle
Boys Scouts - Troop #52 meets Monday at 7:30 pm at the Hope Lutheran Church - Fred Renke
Girl Scouts of American meets the 4th Wednesday at 6:30pm at the Christian Church - Denise Mohr
Keokuk County Expo Board meets the 3rd Monday at 6:30 pm at the Expo Hall - John Webb
Keokuk County Conservation Board meets the 2nd Wednesday at 4:30 pm at Belva Beer Park - Jeff Winn
Keokuk C. Sportsman Club (Izaak Walton League) meets 1st Thursday of every quarter 7:00 pm at the IKES - Tami Gilliland/Myles Miller
Knights of Columbus meets 2nd Tuesday at K.C. Hall at Harper at times to vary - Paule Menke
Keokuk County Health Center Auxiliary meets the 1st Monday at 12:30 pm at the Hospital
4-H - There are over 10 clubs in our area - Keokuk County Extension office
There are several other organizations that do not meet monthly, call for information 641-622-2288